soundtracks ! One track and more at the top of the hour all this week
on CINEMIX, all day long on CINEMIX Extras, the 2nd station for our
supporters ! #valentine #love |
Happy Birthday
#HappyBirthday #JohanSöderqvist (11 February 1966 Sweden)
They talk about Cinemix Radio !
Larazon: Alejandro Amenábar: “A few years ago I discovered Cinemix, a platform playing movie music constantly. It is generally friendly music, very good. It's like a child who is placed in front of a shelf full of jars of
Peter Skiera - RecommendedStations : "If you’re going to listen to Led Zeppelin or The Beatles, it would help if you liked their music. The nice thing about movie music is you don’t have to be a movie buff to enjoy it. Let Cinemix be the soundtrack to your day, be it at work or at home, with people or alone. There’s no need to buy a ticket and you can save a fortune by making your own popcorn."
radio.co : "A great soundtrack is often synonymous with the quality of the film or TV series itself."
restless : "if you want to lose yourself in some awe-inspiring cinematic sounds, it can often be tricky to find great soundtracks, and this is where Cinemix comes in."
techbrains.net : "Movie soundtracks are available at all time"
mokoweb : "List of best radio stations in the world"
beonair : "Cinemix is providing a skillfully curated variety of music from film and TV"
Medium.com : "Cinemix isn’t just limited to films originated from the US, scores and soundtracks from around the world are also available! "
Pure : "Cinemix a dedicated soundtrack station. Not just movie fans will find their fair share of timeless scores and hidden gems here."
Wethegeek.com : Moving on the quest to determine the best internet radio station, we have the next contender which focuses on playing movie soundtracks.
Middermusic : "Cinemix only plays film music – from iconic movie themes to lesser-known soundtracks."
Digitaltrends : "Cinemix is an all-soundtrack station that exclusively plays songs from film and television."
Whathifi : "Cinemix is a station, funded by its listeners..."
Telegraph : "playing an ecclectic and often surprising selection of soundtracks from around the world"
Musicgateway : "You might just come away from Cinemix with a long list of new movies to watch more than anything else!"
Cloudrad.io : 30 best-radio-stations
Prodigitalweb : Top Internet Radio Stations
Lifewire : "A Radio Station for Movie Soundtracks"
smarthomeowl : "The station highlights the excellent works of iconic film composers"
24htech.asia : "Cinemix plays a wide selection of movie and TV show soundtracks"
gemtracks : "Besides the popular soundtracks and albums, they also introduce new content"
moviesinconcert : "The station is not for profit "
compsmag : "Experience it as if you were riding a magic carpet through the world of films."
kinogirl (Cinemix in 2008)
Shoutcast blog : "Cinemix has become a global brand"

guido.be : "Cinemix se concentre également sur des morceaux plus récents et ne se limite pas à l'Amérique du Nord."
avcesar : " la variété des thèmes diffusés fait la richesse de la station"
Moyens : "Si vous aimez écouter les bandes originales de films, Cinemix est la meilleure destination sur le Web."
radioscope : "Cinemix compte sur le
soutien de ses auditeurs."
rezoactif : "cette station vous donnera l’impression d’être le personnage principal de votre propre film."
trucsdemec. : "Je suis tombé sur des pépites comme Cinemix."
Shoutcast blog: "Cinemix est devenue une marque mondiale"

Hifi.DE : Der Internet-Radiosender für Cineasten !
Penthouse Deutschland 2021-04: "Vom Film zum Radio: Bei Cinemix finden sich die bekanntesten Filmmusiken."
thedorf : "Cinemxi ist damit die perfekte Radiostation für Filmliebhaber."
testberichte : "Dieser Web-Sender richtet sich an eingefleischte Filmmusik-Liebhaber."
radio-aus-bruchsal : "Ganz großes Kino im Radio!"

Digitaltrends: "Esta emisora respaldada por oyentes con sede."
Larazon: Alejandro Amenábar: "Hace unos años descubrí Cinemix, una plataforma que es como si estuviera pinchando música de cine constantemente. Es en general música amable, muy buena."

voci.fm : "questa volta VOCI.fm si è lasciato trasportare nel magico mondo del cinema ascoltando musiche straordinarie che ci hanno fatto staccare la spina per un pò di tempo."
it.moyens : "Cinemix riproduce un’ampia selezione di colonne sonore di film e programmi TV."
routech : "...tantas trilhas sonoras diferentes disponíveis, certamente haverá muitas que você adora.."
deadlinelive : "Cinemix adalah stasiun radio online gratis yang secara eksklusif memutar soundtrack film."
guido : "Bovendien kan het heel goed zijn dat je al luisterend nieuwe films leert kennen."